Coney Island Watermelon Wheat



Coney Island® Watermelon Wheat. Thrill Your Tastebuds®. Limited release. Brewing Co. 6 12-fluid-ounce bottles.

Other Description

You can ride with us, we don't mind. Just put the bar down and snuggle up tight. Before long the gravitational pull will have us moving from side to side in sync. Coney Island watermelon wheat is a carefree ride that pleases the palate. Watermelon and citrusy hop aromas cool your senses before a refreshing first sip opens to a smooth, medium-bodied beer. Easily approachable and wildly invigorating, this ale rounds out with a pleasantly fruity finish. Though not technically an island, the tiny peninsula of land in New York City's backyard has become known far and wide as "Coney Island - the playground of the world." For more than two hundred years, Coney Island has attracted fun seekers both local and worldwide. With spinning thrills, games of skill, treats on the boardwalk, the Atlantic Ocean and the horizon beyond, Coney Island is the end of the earth; the place where dreamers come together to mark their best moments on the roller coaster ride called life. When in New York, visit our innovation Brewery on Coney Island! 4.8% alc/vol. 1-800-482-9197. ©2016 Coney Island Brewing Company, Brooklyn, NY in collaboration with the Boston Beer Company.


Take the ride responsibly.