Directions for Me

brought to you by HORIZONS for the BLIND
Welcome to directions for meTM, your one stop source for accessible packaging information. Directions provides the information that’s on consumer packages or labels in a simple online format for anyone who has trouble reading the small print including people who are blind or visually impaired.
This site provides a consistent, quality source of complete packaging information for everything from preparation or cooking instructions to ingredient lists to Nutrition and Drug Facts labels for many common grocery, health and beauty and general merchandise products. In addition, it also provides, potentially life-saving, allergy and drug interaction warnings.
For those watching their carbohydrates (carbs), fat, sodium or cholesterol intake, Directions provides a user-friendly way to get access to this information. Gaining comprehensive access will foster self sufficiency and allow you to lead a more healthy and independent life.
directions for meTM was designed to be completely accessible with text-to-speech screen readers, magnifiers and braille displays as well as web-enabled cell phones. This information is presented in a uniform, easy-to-use format and eliminates features that hinder accessibility.
Regardless of the product or brand, all packaging information is formatted and displayed the same way. Users will be able to access this data exactly the same way, every time and will no longer have to search a variety of sites with different formats and varying levels of accessibility. The site remains current by utilizing a database that is continually added to and updated.
You can now search for directions with our new Fusion Omni-Directional Bar Code Scanner. Simply plug the scanner into a USB port, scan the bar code, and your directions will appear.
Horizons is very excited about directions for meTM and the possibilities it holds. We hope that you enjoy the site and find it useful. Please spread the word about this important service and come back often as we are continually updating and improving Directions.